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Ankle Pain

You may not realize it, but your ankle is a complex joint made up of three main bones, which are supported by ligaments, muscles and tendons. As load bearing joints, the ankles are susceptible to injuries when performing a range of movements.

It is not unusual for an individual to suffer a serious ankle sprain while simply walking along the street. One wrong movement and you could injure one of the many components that make up the ankle. Worse still, many injuries associated with the ankle tend to recur, resulting in potentially permanent ankle instability when the supporting tissues are damaged.

Secondary Concerns with Ankle Instability

The ankles are involved in actions including standing up, changing direction, walking, running and jumping. It is also important to note that the joint can perform a broad array of side-to-side, up-and-down movements. This range means that the ankle absorbs considerable forces and weight loads.

When one or both ankles are unstable, there is a risk of further injury due to degeneration of the joint, injuries resulting from falls or secondary joint conditions caused by overcompensation. The only way to avoid these secondary concerns is seeking treatment for your ankle instability.

Ankle Instability Symptoms

If you have stretched or torn ligaments or damaged tendons, you may continue to suffer after the injury seems to have healed. Ankle instability often results from taking on physical activities too soon. The supporting tissues may suffer recurring damage, which will eventually weaken the stability of the joint.

Look out for frequent pain and inflammation in or around the joint. If you are constantly twisting your ankle during any activity, it may indicate ankle instability. Typically, sufferers will not feel steady on their feet when performing actions that require the use of the ankles. Persistent tenderness in and around the joint is also a symptom that could point toward a more serious problem.

At Caliber Pain™, we offer a range of treatments to help properly heal tendons and ligaments. You may need to use an ankle brace and complete a physical therapy treatment plan. We also offer regenerative medicine solutions to help improve your recovery outcomes.

Call our Midtown Manhattan clinic today if you would like to arrange an ankle instability consultation.

Posted on behalf of Caliber Pain™

460 Park Ave, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10022

Phone: (212) 203-5987


Mon-Sat: 7:00AM-7:00PM